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Painting and sculpture prize list 2022

The Taylor Foundation Painting Jury awards for 2022, in the Grand Prix category,

The Renée Bernard Prize (painter 1906-2004) to Ramzi Ghotbaldin

“This prize should reward a talented artist whose work reveals a science of composition as well as a particular concern for the harmony of colors (transfigured reality, inspiration, poetry and sensitivity)”.

The awards ceremony will take place on January 10, 2023 at the Taylor Foundation .

Exhibition of the winners from January 5 to 28 in 2023, exhibition halls of the

Taylor Foundation.

The Tree Messenger

Ramzi Ghotbaldin, born in Kurdistan, has lived in France since 1990. His painted work lies at the intersection of observation, memory and dreams. The rivers and their meanders, the cliffs, the vegetation of the plateaus and the forests, the omnipresent, imposing and light trees, these are some of its main motifs. In the Messenger of the Trees, which presents a choice of recent paintings, Pierre Dhainaut, poet, evokes their secrets, their songs of life.

You have to ask the trees for everything,
modest, prodigal, they do better than respond,

concentrate, expand, rise:
it's never them they think about,
they distribute their breaths,
the day reveals itself in its cycle, the light
is incarnated, the flesh lights up,

at night, at sensitive night, they give back
vigor to the inexhaustible winds.

Art Papers Collection
Paintings by Ramzi Ghotbaldin
16.5 x 21 cm
90 pages
ISBN: 978-2-491462-31-4
Publication: May 2022

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